

Cubeez is an animated TV show developed between 2001 and 2006 and first aired on GMTV's Kids strand, now known as CITV. It is aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush and a variety of creative characters. Each episode has a strong educational element. Cubeez has been shown around the world and is particularly popular in Latin America and Australia. In the United Kingdom it is now broadcast on Channel 4.



Cubeez is an animated TV show developed between 2001 and 2006 and first aired on GMTV's Kids strand, now known as CITV. It is aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush and a variety of creative characters. Each episode has a strong educational element. Cubeez has been shown around the world and is particularly popular in Latin America and Australia. In the United Kingdom it is now broadcast on Channel 4.
Nuxt Movies
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